One stop for all of your Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational Coverage ('s Jonathan Grooms riding in the lead vehicle with Tretez KInnaird, photo by Jon Silvado)
Photo by Jonathan Grooms US #6 Jacob Burcham, junior from Cabell Midland, ran his kind of race to win the prestigious Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational in Louisville Kentucky in 15:03. Burcham was content to stay in the lead pack and remained in 1st place or 2nd place for most of the race. With about a 1000 meters to go Brock Baker of Oakland High School in Tennessee made a move and Burcham went with him until he made his own move to outkick Baker who ran 15:07. Our fellow Kentucky Milesplit webmaster, Jonathan Grooms, was on site and here is some of his coverage. Burcham Video Interview Boys Race Video Boys Finish Line Video

In-race footage and highlights from the lead pack of the Varsity Girls Race.

Clips of footage and updates from within the race from the lead vehicle.

End of the Varsity Boys showdown with Jacob Burcham running a 15:03.

Interview with Jacob Burcham of Cabell Midland in WV after winning the Trinity Invitational with a 15:03.

Interview with Brock Baker (Oakland, TN) after finishing second at the Trinity Invitational with a 15:07.

Interview with the top three finishers of the Varsity Girls Race all from Carmel (IN) Webmaster will be live on-site on Saturday at the Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational in Louisville. In meet updates, news, splits, and results will be posted as comments on this article. Tons of photos and video will be up tomorrow evening from the race. Check back for all the action on Saturday.
The 2011 Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational has a lot going for it. The oldest meet in Kentucky not to mention the biggest has made Louisville the place where several of the best from all the surrounding states meet to showdown. This year’s version is no different with nationally ranked runners and teams from Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Ohio in attendance. In total close to 3,500 runners will roll on a super fast course with a great weather forecast projected.
Jacob Thomson Jacob Burcham Two of the nation's best in Cabell Midland's junior Jacob Burcham and Jacob Thomson, junior from Holy Cross High School, of Lousiville, KY, meet again at the Trinity/Valkyrie Invitational being held on Saturday September 17, 2011.